Jan 22, 20203 min read
Perfection versus Excellence: Why there might still be errors in your book after an edit
You’ve written a book and can’t wait to share it with readers. But you realize the importance of having another set of eyes on it, so you...

Dec 2, 20194 min read
Information Overload: Where to look for (and remove) info dumping in your novel
When you write a novel, there is a lot of information you have to give your readers. They need to learn about your characters, your...

Aug 1, 20184 min read
Goodbye, Darling!: What to cut from your novel so that every word counts
I’m sure you’ve all heard the advice: kill your darlings, cut ruthlessly, make every word count. We all know that we’re supposed to...

Nov 14, 20174 min read
Nip and Tuck: How you can help bring down the cost of editing your book
Hang out on any writing-related website, and you’ll see authors discussing the cost of editing. While plenty of these authors feel the...

May 27, 20164 min read
Not a Moment Too Soon: When is the best time for a developmental edit?
A developmental edit is an edit that focuses on story-level concerns such as plot, pacing, character development, and point of view....

Dec 1, 20143 min read
Smoking without a Filter: How Filter Words are Taking the Fire Out of Your Writing
“She watched as the man pulled a knife from his jacket pocket. She knew that if she didn’t get away now, in the next minute, it would be...

Nov 24, 20144 min read
Don't Be a One-Draft Wonder
“I'm writing a first draft and reminding myself that I'm simply shoveling sand into a box so that later I can build castles.” ― Shannon...

Nov 17, 20142 min read
Come Down From that Tree (and write YOUR book)
Einstein has been quoted as saying, “Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its...